Source code for material_widgets.widgets

"""Customized form field widgets with templates styled with Material Components
for the Web.

`Material Design for the Web <>`_

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, too-many-arguments, too-many-lines
from django.forms import widgets, utils
from .settings import MATERIAL_CSS, MATERIAL_JS

__all__ = (

class MaterialComponent(widgets.Widget):
    """Superclass of Material widgets which adds attributes used by Material

    Passes label and help_text to the widget context. Declares under Media the
    Material CSS and JS components required to correctly display the widget.

    label : str, optional
        Displayed on the widget's field in the template.
        Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted
        to spaces.
    help_text : str, optional
        Displayed under text field and textarea inputs, to the right of slider
        labels, and as tool tips on labels for other inputs.

    def __init__(self, label=None, help_text=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.label = label
        self.help_text = help_text

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)
            'label': self.label,
            'help_text': self.help_text,
        return context

    def media(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        return widgets.Media(
            css={'all': (

class MaterialMultiWidget(widgets.MultiWidget):
    """Superclass of Material split widgets which adds attributes used by
    Material Components. Material split widgets consist of multiple Material

    Passes label to the widget context. Declares under Media the Material CSS
    and JS components required to correctly display the widget.

    multiwidgets : list or tuple of widget objects
        Widgets to be included in the multiwidget.
    attrs : dict, optional
        HTML attributes to be included in the multiwidget's template.
    label : str, optional
        Displayed to the left of the split widget fields in the template.
        Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted
        to spaces.

    template_name = "material_widgets/widgets/material_multiwidget.html"

    def __init__(self, multiwidgets, attrs=None, label=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(multiwidgets, attrs, *args, **kwargs)
        self.label = label

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)
            'label': self.label,
        return context

    def media(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        return widgets.Media(
            css={'all': (

    def decompress(self, value):
        """Return a list of decompressed values for the given compressed value.
        The given value can be assumed to be valid, but not necessarily

        raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement this method.')

class MaterialCheckbox(MaterialComponent):
    """Superclass of Material widgets that make use of Material Checkbox

    Declares under Media the Material JS component required to correctly
    display the widget.

    class Media:  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        js = ('material_widgets/js/material_checkbox.js',)

class MaterialFileButton(MaterialComponent):
    """Superclass of Material widgets that make use of Material File Button

    Declares under Media the Material CSS and JS components required to
    correctly display the widget.

    button : list or tuple of str, optional
        Button style modifiers include 'compact', 'dense', 'raised', 'stroked',
        and 'unelevated'. See `mdc-button CSS Classes <\
        /mdc-button#css-classes>`_ for details.
    icon : str, optional
        Icon to be displayed on the file button. See `Material Icons
        <>`_ for

    def __init__(self, button=None, icon=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.button = button
        self.icon = icon

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)
            'button': self.button,
            'icon': self.icon,
        return context

    class Media:  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        css = {
            'all': (
        js = (

class MaterialSelectMenu(MaterialComponent):
    """Superclass of Material widgets that make use of Material Select Menu

    Declares under Media the Material CSS and JS components required to
    correctly display the widget.

    class Media:  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        css = {
            'all': (
        js = ('material_widgets/js/material_select.js',)

class MaterialTextField(MaterialComponent):
    """Superclass of Material widgets that make use of Material TextField

    Declares under Media the Material CSS and JS components required to
    correctly display the widget.

    persistent_help_text : bool, optional
        Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be
        visible when the field is active.
        Defaults to False.

    def __init__(self, persistent_help_text=False, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.persistent_help_text = persistent_help_text

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)
            'persistent_help_text': self.persistent_help_text,
        return context

    class Media:  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        css = {
            'all': (
        js = ('material_widgets/js/material_text_field.js',)

[docs]class MaterialCheckboxInput(MaterialCheckbox, widgets.CheckboxInput): """Material CheckboxInput Default widget for BooleanField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the right of the checkbox. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Examples -------- Explicit widget declaration is unnecessary in a BooleanField under a MaterialForm. >>> checkbox = forms.BooleanField( >>> label='Checkbox', >>> help_text='This is a checkbox', >>> #widget=MaterialCheckboxInput(), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_checkbox.html'
[docs]class MaterialCheckboxSelectMultiple( MaterialCheckbox, widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple): """Material CheckboxSelectMultiple Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed above the checkbox group. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : list or tuple of str, optional Displayed as tool tips on the respective checkbox labels. choices : list or tuple of (value, label) pairs Each pair will be displayed as a checkbox. Other Parameters ---------------- is_vertical : bool, optional Layout of checkboxes will be vertical if True, or horizontal otherwise. Defaults to True. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> checkbox_select_multiple = forms.MultipleChoiceField( >>> label='Multiple Checkboxes', >>> help_text=( >>> 'This is checkbox 1', >>> 'This is checkbox 2', >>> 'This is checkbox 3', >>> ), >>> widget=MaterialCheckboxSelectMultiple( >>> is_vertical=False, >>> ), >>> choices=( >>> ('checkbox_1', 'Checkbox 1'), >>> ('checkbox_2', 'Checkbox 2'), >>> ('checkbox_3', 'Checkbox 3'), >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_checkbox_select.html' option_template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_checkbox_option.html' def __init__(self, is_vertical=True, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_vertical = is_vertical def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) context['widget'].update({ 'is_vertical': self.is_vertical, }) return context def create_option(self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None): option = super().create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex, attrs ) option['help_text'] = self.help_text[index] return option
[docs]class MaterialClearableFileInput( MaterialFileButton, widgets.ClearableFileInput): """Material ClearableFileInput Default widget for FileField and ImageField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the button. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. Label dynamically changes to selected file name, or file count if the 'multiple' attrs is True. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the button. Other Parameters ---------------- button : list or tuple of str, optional Button style modifiers include 'compact', 'dense', 'raised', 'stroked', and 'unelevated'. See `mdc-button CSS Classes <\ /material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages\ /mdc-button#css-classes>`_ for details. icon : str, optional Icon to be displayed on the file button. See `Material Icons <>`_ for choices. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> clearable_file_input = forms.FileField( >>> ### Blank the label to only display the icon >>> label='', >>> help_text='Choose 1 or more files', >>> widget=MaterialClearableFileInput( >>> ### compact, dense, raised, stroked, unelevated >>> button=('compact', 'dense', 'raised'), >>> ### From material-icons; >>> icon='file_upload', >>> attrs={ >>> 'multiple': True, >>> }, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_clearable_file_input.html' class Media: # pylint: disable=missing-docstring css = { 'all': ( 'material_widgets/css/material_button.css', 'material_widgets/css/material_file_input.css', ) } js = ( 'material_widgets/js/material_button.js', 'material_widgets/js/material_checkbox.js', 'material_widgets/js/material_file_input.js', )
[docs]class MaterialDateInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.DateInput): """Material DateInput Default widget for DateField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> date_field = forms.DateField( >>> label='Date', >>> help_text='YYYY-MM-DD', >>> widget=MaterialDateInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_date.html'
[docs]class MaterialDateTimeInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.DateTimeInput): """Material DateTimeInput Default widget for DateTimeField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> datetime_field = forms.DateTimeField( >>> label='Date and Time', >>> help_text='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', >>> widget=MaterialDateTimeInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_datetime.html'
[docs]class MaterialEmailInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.EmailInput): """Material EmailInput Default widget for EmailField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> email = forms.EmailField( >>> label='Email Address', >>> help_text='', >>> widget=MaterialEmailInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_email.html'
[docs]class MaterialFileInput(MaterialFileButton, widgets.FileInput): """Material FileInput Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the button. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. Label dynamically changes to selected file name, or file count if the 'multiple' attrs is True. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the button. Other Parameters ---------------- button : list or tuple of str, optional Button style modifiers include 'compact', 'dense', 'raised', 'stroked', and 'unelevated'. See `mdc-button CSS Classes <\ /material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages\ /mdc-button#css-classes>`_ for details. icon : str, optional Icon to be displayed on the file button. See `Material Icons <>`_ for choices. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> file_input = forms.FileField( >>> ### Blank the label to only display the icon >>> label='', >>> help_text='Choose 1 or more files', >>> widget=MaterialFileInput( >>> ### compact, dense, raised, stroked, unelevated >>> button=('compact', 'dense', 'raised'), >>> ### From material-icons; >>> icon='attachment', >>> attrs={ >>> 'multiple': True, >>> }, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_file.html'
[docs]class MaterialHiddenInput(MaterialComponent, widgets.HiddenInput): """Material HiddenInput Parameters ---------- initial : varies depending on field, optional Initial value to populate the hidden input in the form. Examples -------- >>> hidden_input = forms.CharField( >>> initial='hidden_value', >>> widget=widgets.HiddenInput(), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_hidden.html'
[docs]class MaterialMultipleHiddenInput( MaterialComponent, widgets.MultipleHiddenInput): """Material MultipleHiddenInput Parameters ---------- initial : varies depending on field, optional Initial Value to populate the multiple hidden input in the form. Examples -------- >>> multiple_hidden_input = forms.MultipleChoiceField( >>> initial=['hidden_1', 'hidden_2', 'hidden_3',], >>> widget=widgets.MultipleHiddenInput(), >>> choices=( >>> ('hidden_1', 'Hidden 1'), >>> ('hidden_2', 'Hidden 2'), >>> ('hidden_3', 'Hidden 3'), >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_multiple_hidden.html'
[docs]class MaterialNullBooleanSelect(MaterialSelectMenu, widgets.NullBooleanSelect): """Material NullBooleanSelect Default widget for NullBooleanField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the select menu. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Examples -------- Explicit widget declaration is unnecessary in a NullBooleanField under a MaterialForm. >>> null_boolean_select = forms.NullBooleanField( >>> label='Is this a null boolean select?', >>> help_text='This is a null boolean select', >>> #widget=MaterialNullBooleanSelect(), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select.html' option_template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select_option.html' def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) attrs_class = ( context['widget']['attrs'].get('class', '') + ' mdc-select' ).strip() context['widget']['attrs'].update({ 'class': attrs_class, }) return context
[docs]class MaterialNumberInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.NumberInput): """Material NumberInput Default widget for DecimalField, FloatField, and IntegerField under MaterialForm when Field.localize is False. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Explicit widget declaration is unnecessary in a DecimalField, FloatField, or IntegerField under MaterialForm. >>> decimal = forms.DecimalField( >>> label='Decimal Number', >>> help_text='To 2 d.p.', >>> min_value=0.0, >>> max_value=10.0, >>> decimal_places=2, >>> ) Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> integer = forms.IntegerField( >>> label='Odd Number', >>> help_text='No even numbers!', >>> min_value=1, >>> max_value=9, >>> widget=widgets.NumberInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> attrs={ >>> 'step': '2', >>> }, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_number.html'
[docs]class MaterialPasswordInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.PasswordInput): """Material PasswordInput Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> password = forms.CharField( >>> label="Secret Password", >>> help_text='Please enter at least 8 characters', >>> min_length=8, >>> widget=MaterialPasswordInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_password.html'
[docs]class MaterialRadioSelect(MaterialComponent, widgets.RadioSelect): """Material RadioSelect Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed above the radio group. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : list or tuple of str, optional Displayed as tool tips on the respective radio option labels. choices : list or tuple of (value, label) pairs Each pair will be displayed as a radio option. Other Parameters ---------------- is_vertical : bool, optional Layout of checkboxes will be vertical if True, or horizontal otherwise. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> radio_select = forms.ChoiceField( >>> label='Radio Select', >>> help_text=( >>> 'This is radio 1', >>> 'This is radio 2', >>> 'This is radio 3', >>> ), >>> widget=widgets.RadioSelect( >>> is_vertical=True, >>> ), >>> choices=( >>> ('radio_select_1', 'Radio 1'), >>> ('radio_select_2', 'Radio 2'), >>> ('radio_select_3', 'Radio 3'), >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_radio.html' option_template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_radio_option.html' def __init__(self, is_vertical=False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_vertical = is_vertical def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) context['widget'].update({ 'is_vertical': self.is_vertical, }) return context def create_option(self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None): option = super().create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex, attrs ) option['help_text'] = self.help_text[index] return option
[docs] class Media: """Material radio JS component.""" js = ('material_widgets/js/material_radio.js',)
[docs]class MaterialSelect(MaterialSelectMenu, widgets.Select): """Material Select Default widget for ChoiceField, FilePathField, ModelChoiceField, and TypedChoiceField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the select menu. If explicitly declared blank, the first item in the select menu will act as an unselectable choice label. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Examples -------- Explicit widget declaration is unnecessary in ChoiceField, FilePathField, ModelChoiceField, and TypedChoiceField under MaterialForm. >>> select = forms.ChoiceField( >>> label='', >>> #widget=MaterialSelect(), >>> choices=( >>> ('', 'Select'), >>> ('choice_1', 'Choice 1'), >>> ('choice_2', 'Choice 2'), >>> ('choice_3', 'Choice 3'), >>> ), >>> ) Choices can be grouped. >>> select_with_groups = forms.ChoiceField( >>> label='', >>> required=False, >>> choices=( >>> ('', 'Select with Groups'), >>> ('Group 1', ( >>> ('group_1_choice_1', 'Group 1 Choice 1 '), >>> ('group_1_choice_2', 'Group 1 Choice 2'), >>> ('group_1_choice_3', 'Group 1 Choice 3'), >>> ) >>> ), >>> ('Group 2', ( >>> ('group_2_choice_4', 'Group 2 Choice 4'), >>> ('group_2_choice_5', 'Group 2 Choice 5'), >>> ('group_2_choice_6', 'Group 2 Choice 6'), >>> ) >>> ), >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select.html' option_template_name = ( 'material_widgets/widgets/' 'material_select_option.html' ) def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) attrs_class = ( context['widget']['attrs'].get('class', '') + ' mdc-select' ).strip() context['widget']['attrs'].update({ 'class': attrs_class, }) return context
[docs]class MaterialSelectDateWidget(MaterialSelectMenu, widgets.SelectDateWidget): """Material SelectDateWidget Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the select menu. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Other Parameters ---------------- various : various, optional See `django.forms.widgets.SelectDateWidget <\ /en/dev/ref/forms/widgets/#selectdatewidget>`_ for optional parameters. Examples -------- Widget can be declared as Django's SelectDateWidget or as MaterialSelectDateWidget. >>> date_select = forms.DateField( >>> label="Date", >>> help_text='This is a select date', >>> widget=widgets.SelectDateWidget( >>> years=[year for year in range( >>>,, -1) >>> ], >>> empty_label=("Year", "Month", "Day"), >>> ) >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select_date.html' select_widget = MaterialSelect
[docs] class Media: """Material multiwidget CSS component.""" css = { 'all': ( 'material_widgets/css/material_multiwidget.css', ) }
[docs]class MaterialSelectMultiple(MaterialSelectMenu, widgets.SelectMultiple): """Material SelectMultiple Default widget for MultipleChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField, and TypedMultipleChoiceField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the select menu. If explicitly declared blank, the first item in the select menu will act as an unselectable choice label. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Examples -------- Explicit widget declaration is unnecessary in MultipleChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField, and TypedMultipleChoiceField under MaterialForm. >>> select_multiple = forms.MultipleChoiceField( >>> label='Choose 1 or more', >>> help_text='Ctrl + Click to unselect', >>> #widget=MaterialSelect(), >>> choices=( >>> ('', 'Select'), >>> ('multiple_choice_1', 'Multiple Choice 1'), >>> ('multiple_choice_2', 'Multiple Choice 2'), >>> ('multiple_choice_3', 'Multiple Choice 3'), >>> ), >>> ) Choices can be grouped. >>> select_multiple_with_groups = forms.MultipleChoiceField( >>> label='', >>> #help_text='A label is needed to show the help text tooltip', >>> choices=( >>> ('Select Multiple 1', ( >>> ('multiple_choice_1', 'Multiple Choice 1'), >>> ('multiple_choice_2', 'Multiple Choice 2'), >>> ('multiple_choice_3', 'Multiple Choice 3'), >>> ) >>> ), >>> ('Select Multiple 2', ( >>> ('multiple_choice_4', 'Multiple Choice 4'), >>> ('multiple_choice_5', 'Multiple Choice 5'), >>> ('multiple_choice_6', 'Multiple Choice 6'), >>> ) >>> ), >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select_multiple.html' option_template_name = ( 'material_widgets/widgets/material_select_option_nojs.html' ) def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) attrs_class = ( context['widget']['attrs'].get('class', '') + ' mdc-multi-select mdc-list' ).strip() context['widget']['attrs'].update({ 'class': attrs_class, }) return context
[docs]class MaterialSliderInput(MaterialComponent, widgets.NumberInput): """Material SliderInput Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed above the widget in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed to the right of the label. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to True. is_discrete : bool, optional Slider will have discrete steps in its interface if True, else its interface will be continuous. Defaults to False. display_markers : bool, optional Value markers appear on slider interaction if True. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> slider = forms.IntegerField( >>> label='Slider', >>> ### help_text in sliders are persistent by default >>> help_text='Even Number with Markers', >>> required=False, >>> min_value=0, >>> max_value=10, >>> initial=6, >>> widget=MaterialSliderInput( >>> is_discrete=True, >>> display_markers=True, >>> attrs={ >>> 'step': '2', >>> }, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_slider.html' def __init__(self, display_markers=False, is_discrete=False, persistent_help_text=True, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.display_markers = display_markers self.is_discrete = is_discrete self.persistent_help_text = persistent_help_text def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) context['widget'].update({ 'display_markers': self.display_markers, 'is_discrete': self.is_discrete, 'persistent_help_text': self.persistent_help_text, }) return context class Media: # pylint: disable=missing-docstring js = ('material_widgets/js/material_slider.js',)
[docs]class MaterialSplitDateTimeWidget(MaterialMultiWidget): """Material SplitDateTimeWidget Splits datetime input into two MaterialTextFields. Default widget for SplitDateTimeField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the widget fields in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. Other Parameters ---------------- attrs : dict, optional HTML attributes to be included in the multiwidget's template. date_format : str, optional Format to display initial field value. Defaults to first format found in Django's DATE_INPUT_FORMATS. time_format : str, optional Format to display initial field value. Defaults to first format found in Django's TIME_INPUT_FORMATS. label : str, optional Passes value through from field parameter. date_label : str, optional Displayed on the Date widget's field in the template. Defaults to 'Date'. date_help_text : str, optional Displayed under the Date input field. Defaults to 'YYYY-MM-DD'. date_persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text for Date widget will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. time_label : str, optional Displayed on the Time widget's field in the template. Defaults to 'Time'. time_help_text : str, optional Displayed under the Time input field. Defaults to 'HH:MM:SS'. time_persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text for Time widget will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> split_datetime = forms.SplitDateTimeField( >>> required=False, >>> widget=MaterialSplitDateTimeWidget( >>> date_label='Birthdate', >>> date_help_text='YYYY-MM-DD', >>> date_persistent_help_text=True, >>> time_label='Birthtime', >>> time_help_text='HH:MM:SS', >>> time_persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ supports_microseconds = False template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_splitdatetime.html' def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None, label=None, date_label='Date', date_help_text='YYYY-MM-DD', date_persistent_help_text=False, time_label='Time', time_help_text='HH:MM:SS', time_persistent_help_text=False, *args, **kwargs): multiwidgets = ( MaterialDateInput( label=date_label, help_text=date_help_text, persistent_help_text=date_persistent_help_text, attrs=attrs, format=date_format, ), MaterialTimeInput( label=time_label, help_text=time_help_text, persistent_help_text=time_persistent_help_text, attrs=attrs, format=time_format, ), ) super().__init__(multiwidgets, attrs, label, *args, **kwargs) def decompress(self, value): if value: value = utils.to_current_timezone(value) return [, value.time().replace(microsecond=0)] return [None, None]
[docs]class MaterialSplitHiddenDateTimeWidget(MaterialSplitDateTimeWidget): """Material SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget Parameters ---------- initial : list or tuple of str, optional Initial values to populate the hidden date and time fields in the form. Examples -------- >>> split_hidden_datetime = forms.SplitDateTimeField( >>> initial=['1965-08-09', '12:00:00'], >>> widget=widgets.SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget(), >>> ) """ input_type = 'hidden' template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_splithiddendatetime.html' def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None): super().__init__(attrs, date_format, time_format, label='', date_label='', date_help_text='', date_persistent_help_text=False, time_label='', time_help_text='', time_persistent_help_text=False, ) for widget in self.widgets: widget.__class__ = MaterialHiddenInput widget.input_type = 'hidden'
[docs]class MaterialSwitchInput(MaterialComponent, widgets.CheckboxInput): """Material SwitchInput Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed to the left of the switch. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed as a tool tip on the label. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity in a BooleanField to use widget. >>> boolean_switch = forms.BooleanField( >>> label='Boolean Switch', >>> help_text='This is a switch', >>> widget=MaterialSwitchInput(), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_switch.html' class Media: # pylint: disable=missing-docstring css = { 'all': ( 'material_widgets/css/material_switch.css', ) }
[docs]class MaterialTextarea(MaterialTextField, widgets.Textarea): """Material Textarea Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed in the widget's field to the upper left of the box in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> textarea = forms.CharField( >>> label="Captain's Log", >>> help_text='Write as much as you want', >>> widget=widgets.MaterialTextarea( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_textarea.html'
[docs]class MaterialTextInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.TextInput): """Material TextInput Default widget for CharField and various other fields under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> username = forms.CharField( >>> label='Choose a Username', >>> min_length=3, >>> max_length=32, >>> help_text='3-32 characters required', >>> widget=widgets.TextInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> attrs={ >>> 'autofocus': "autofocus", >>> }, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_text.html'
[docs]class MaterialTimeInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.TimeInput): """Material TimeInput Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> time_field = forms.TimeField( >>> label='Time', >>> help_text='HH:MM:SS', >>> widget=MaterialTimeInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_time.html'
[docs]class MaterialURLInput(MaterialTextField, widgets.URLInput): """Material URLInput Default widget for URLField under MaterialForm. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Displayed on the widget's field in the template. Defaults to widget's capitalized field name with underscores converted to spaces. help_text : str, optional Displayed under the input field. Other Parameters ---------------- persistent_help_text : bool, optional Help text will be persistently displayed if True, else it will only be visible when the field is active. Defaults to False. Examples -------- Declare widget explicity to use custom widget parameters. >>> url = forms.URLField( >>> label='URL', >>> help_text='Website', >>> initial='', >>> widget=widgets.MaterialTextInput( >>> persistent_help_text=True, >>> ), >>> ) """ template_name = 'material_widgets/widgets/material_url.html'